area rug cleaning

Don't Forget To Clean These Commonly Overlooked Areas

Voted Best Cleaning Company

When you’re trying to clean your whole home all by yourself, it's no easy task. For many homeowners, they clean obvious and important parts of the home like the floors, walls, appliances etc., but quite often people will overlook areas of the home that are in desperate need of cleaning. Here at The Steam Team we have tons of experience in home cleaning, and here are the areas most homeowners overlook;

Air Vents

Cleaning certain areas of your home where dust builds up is important, it keeps the air you breathe clean. But are you making sure to also clean the source of that air? Dirty air vents can affect your everyday health, and unfortunately most people don’t clean them as often as they should. Next time you wonder why your cabinets are so dusty, check the vents.

Under Appliances

You most likely clean your appliances from time to time, but what about underneath those appliances? Dirt, dust, grime and food can build up in these areas, and you can’t avoid cleaning them forever! If you don’t want to pull out that refrigerator or washing machine and clean all around it, call The Steam Team and let us do it!


Dust, dirt, pollen and even mold can accumulate on drapes left unchecked. Many drapes can’t be cleaned in the washing machine, and require special attention. So be sure you know what kind of clean your drapes need.


Cleaning baseboards is actually quite easy, but they’re commonly overlooked. They can easily collect dust and dirt over time. Cleaning them can be done with just a damp cloth or a wipe.

The Steam Team

If these areas are too difficult or too inconvenient for you to clean, keep in mind that The Steam Team technicians can do it all! So stop letting these areas of your home get dirtier by the day, give us a call. Visit The Steam Team website for more information for carpet cleaners and restoration .

Everything You Need To Know About Leather Cleaning And Conditioning

Cleaning Service Austin

Cleaning Service Austin

Leather furniture is highly sought-after, but far too many homeowners buy leather items without realizing how to properly care for them, and sometimes end up overwhelmed by what’s required. To make things easier for you, here’s our expert advice on proper leather treatment.

Know Your Leather

Many people think all leather requires the same treatment, but that’s not true! It's very important to know what kind of leather you have before attempting to clean it.

Protected Leather- This makes up the majority of leather upholstery. Protected leather may also be labeled finished, semi-aniline, or pigmented leather. Protected leather, as the name suggests, is topped with a protective coating and is more durable than other leathers.

Unprotected Leather- Also called aniline, pure aniline, or unfinished leather, this leather has a more soft and luxurious feel. This type of leather is more sensitive to staining and is also more expensive than protected leather.

Cleaning and Conditioning

When cleaning unprotected leather, you may use a slightly dampened cloth with distilled water, a dry cloth and vacuum (make sure you’re using the small brush attachment), or an approved leather cleaner. The specific manufacturer may have their own instructions, so be sure to check that out. But no matter what the method is, clean very gently with unprotected leather, as it is much more susceptible to staining.

Protected leather can handle a lot more, but you should still be careful to not use certain products. Clean with a vacuum and damp cloth, but only use approved leather cleaners.

An approved leather conditioner should be applied every six to twelve months. To properly condition, add a small dollop of conditioner onto a small cloth and gently rub the conditioner all over the leather. This will keep your leather looking shiny and moisturized.

The Steam Team Method

You might be thinking all these steps are too much to deal with yourself, but that’s what we’re here for! The Steam Team can completely clean and condition your leather furniture for you. Feel free to call any time!

Combat Allergies With a Clean Home- Professional Cleaning and Restoration

Cleaning Service Austin, Texas

Cleaning Service Austin, Texas

Now that the spring season is here, allergens are coming back in full force, and the best way to fight back against allergies is by keeping your home clean. But are you cleaning your home in the best way to combat those allergy symptoms? Some cleaning methods may only make the allergies worse than they were in the unclean environment. Let’s talk about what to do and what not to do when you’re worried about allergies.

The Downsides of Chemical Cleaners

Store-bought chemical cleaners are perhaps the most widely used method of disinfecting surfaces in the home. But are they effective? Yes and no. Generally, chemical cleaners get the job done at disinfecting most of a surface, but they still don’t fully clean it, and worst of all, they could be aggravating allergy symptoms of people living in the home. Many of these chemical cleaners contain substances that are harsh on the lungs, particularly to people who already suffer from respiratory issues.

A Better Method: Steam Cleaning

If you’re looking for the allergy-safe choice, look no further than steam cleaners. Since steam cleaners use only heat and water to disinfect surfaces, they don’t have the potentially harmful side effects of chemical cleaners. They won’t aggravate any allergy symptoms, and they’re great at removing mold, bacteria, dirt and harmful viruses in a safe, healthy way. They can also remove dust mites and pet dander, further easing allergy symptoms.

Fight Allergies With The Steam Team

So steam cleaners are great for ridding your home of anything that might aggravate allergy symptoms, but what’s even more effective than a steam cleaner is a high-powered steam cleaner in the hands of a Steam Team professional, who can also use other modern equipment and methods to rid your home of anything that might worsen allergies. For more information on how we can help clean your home and combat allergy symptoms, please visit The Steam Team website.

Do You Need to Rent Steam Cleaning or Drying Equipment?

The efficiency and high-powered cleaning capabilities of steam cleaners are becoming increasingly popular, and for good reason. When it comes to any deep cleaning process, (especially in the case of fire or water damage restoration) high-powered steam cleaners and dryers are a necessity. They can, however, be a costly purchase. But with the help of The Steam Team, renting the right equipment can be a breeze.

The Benefits

Here are some of the known benefits of using steam cleaners versus other cleaning methods:

The process of steam cleaning kills 99.99% of bacteria without the use of the toxic chemicals found in common cleaners (bleach, ammonia, etc.). The only ingredients are heat and water.

Steam cleaning poses no threat to children or pets that may be in the home, due to it’s non-toxic nature.

Steam cleaning only uses water and heat, meaning it won’t aggravate anyone’s allergies or asthma.

When mold grows anywhere in the home, particularly the bathroom, it can contaminate the air and cause several health problems. Steam cleaning, unlike bleach, actually kills the mold. Bleach only makes the mold blend in with the white surfaces.

Rental Advice

Given the benefits listed above, you’re likely considering a steam cleaner for your next big job. But what’s the best way to go about renting this equipment? Here’s our advice:

Rent from a company that is known throughout your local area for having great customer service and some of the best deals around. If fire or water damage restoration is the reason for your equipment rental, find the company with the real experts on those topics. For customers with the capabilities to execute such jobs, The Steam Team offers a full line of high-powered steam cleaning and drying equipment for rental purposes. For a comprehensive list of the equipment and services offered, visit The Steam Team website, and don’t be afraid to call to speak to an expert!